.NET 8 has new security features for containers, including non-root images and SDK tools. Discover how to create non-root container images, configure Kubernetes pods, and inspect images and containers for enhanced security.
In this post I describe how I ported a Ruby AsciiMath implementation to .NET, created the AsciiMath NuGet package, and used it to create a Markdig extension…
Sometimes, you don't want to bother with the target framework version of your project. You just want to use the latest version available from the .NET SDK. This can be useful if you want to always be on the latest version and don't want to spend time updating the .csproj files. You can fix the vers
Ubuntu 24.04 is now available with .NET from day one in the official Ubuntu feeds! Thanks to the partnership between Canonical and Microsoft, you can start using .NET with Ubuntu 24.04 today!
In this post I describe how I hacked together an AsciiMath parser for .NET. I also show the existing implementations available and how I chose between them…
When you use generic types in C#, it is sometimes hard to understand what the generic argument can represent. For example, what do the strings represent in Dictionary<string, string>? To make the code clearer, you can use type aliases.C#copy// ❌ What does the string means?
_ = new Dictionary&
For Episode 123 of the CollabTalk Podcast, we explored the pivotal role of community in shaping businesses, discussing my guest’s founding of his company and the strategies for building and nurturing open-source communities. We covered the symbiosis between commercial success and community engagement, emphasizing the importance of community feedback in innovation and the challenges and benefits of integrating open-source models into business strategies. You can listen to the podcast above and follow me using your favorite app, such as Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Soundcloud, or the iHeartRadio app. Be sure to subscribe!