Configuration in ASP.NET Core is performed using one or more configuration providers. Configuration providers read configuration data from key-value pairs using a variety of configuration sources such as the appsettings.json file, environment variables, vaults and so on. All these sources are merge
.NET Roadmap The latest version of .NET is 7. The current roadmap is for .NET 8. .NET 8 is scheduled to ship in November 2023 and will be an…Keep Reading →
TipA newer version of this post is available: Avoid HSTS issues on localhostHttp Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a security mechanism that instructs the browser to automatically redirect http requests to https before sending a request to the server. When you are developing a web application, yo
Some libraries don't work when the application is running using Globalization-Invariant mode. This mode disabled all globalization features and force the use of the Invariant culture. This mode is useful for applications that don't need globalization features and want to reduce the application size
When and How to Use Blazor Components Blazor is a powerful framework for building web applications using C# instead of JavaScript. One of…Keep Reading →
In this post, I will describe a new feature of the Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting library coming in .NET 8 (available since preview 4) affecting hosted services. Let’s first begin with a brief recap of hosted services. The hosting library for .NET, used in both the ASP.NET Core project template and the Worker Service template, provides the capability […]
If you need to create a large file with random data for testing purposes, you can use PowerShell or PowerShell Core to quickly generate it.PowerShellcopy$path = Join-Path $pwd "test.txt"
$size = 1GB
$content = New-Object byte[] $size
(New-Object System.Random).NextBytes($content)
# Set-Content is