We looked into the internal of Corax’s posting list and in the last post I mentioned that we have a problem with the Baseline of the page.
We are by no means the first people to work with posting lists, and there is a wide body of knowledge on the topic. When it came time to figure out the compression format for our posting list, we used the PFOR format (Patched Frame of Reference). It, like pretty much all other integer compression methods, uses 32 bits integers. Corax utilizes 64 bits integer as the document ids, so that was a problem. We solved that problem by using a Baseline for each page. In other words, each page would be able to contain values in a range of 2.1 billion of one another. That is a very reasonable range, given that a page is 8KB in size.
There was a problem as we built more features into Corax. The posting list needed to store not just the document id, but also the frequency of the term in the source document. It turns out that we need 8 bits to do so, and we already have 64 bits range so… Instead of creating another location to store the frequencies, we put them directly inside the posting list. But that meant that we reserved a range of bits. We have 64 bits overall, so not a big problem, right? Except that on a page basis, we have a lot less. Before, a page could contain a range of 2.1 billion, but we reserved 10 bits (frequency and tag, the details of which are not important to our story) and we ended up with a range that is 4 million per page. That little tidbit meant that we could only store in a page items that were within 4MB of one another. And that was a problem. Whenever we had a posting list where two values would be more than 4MB from one another, we would need to split the page. And since the posting list and the entries live on the same file, having more page splits means that entries are now further apart.
Here is an example of what this looks like:
The index is taking more space than the source data, and most of that is used to store… nothing, since we ended up with a very wide posting list containing very few entries. One of the cases of two independent issues compounding each other very quickly.
So we changed things again, instead of limiting ourselves to 32 bits range per page, we changed the PFor format to allow for 64 bits integers directly. Once again, that leads to simplification in the codebase and has greatly reduced the amount of disk space that we are actually using.
To give some context, here is the current amount of disk space taken by the same entity that previously took 800+GB:
The problem wasn’t with the number of entries, but that each entry would consume 8KB of disk space on its own, and in the image, you are seeing the number of posting lists, not the number of posting lists entries.
If an application support both light and dark themes, it is important to detect the current system theme and update the application accordingly. In this post, I describe how to detect if a WPF application should use a light or dark theme.#Method 1: Using the registry and the Windows message loopWin
In a previous post (which went out a long time ago) I explained that we have the notion of a set of uint64 values that are used for document IDs. We build a B+Tree with different behaviors for branch pages and leaf pages, allowing us to pack a lot of document IDs (thousands or more) per page.
The problem is that this structure hold the data compressed, so when we add or remove a value, we don’t know if it exists already or not. That is a problem, because while we are able to do any relevant fixups to skip duplicates and erase removed values, we end up in a position where the number of entries in the set is not accurate. That is a Problem, with a capital P, since we use that for query optimizations.
The solution for that is to move to a different manner of storing the data in the leaf page, instead of going with a model where we add the data directly to the page and compress when the raw values section overflows, we’ll use the following format instead:
Basically, I removed the raw values section from the design entirely. That means that whenever we want to add a new value, we need to find the relevant compressed segment inside the page and add to it (potentially creating a page split, etc).
Obviously, that is not going to perform well for write. Since on each addition, we’ll need to decompress the segment, add to it and then compress it again.
The idea here is that we don’t need to do that. Instead of trying to store the entries in the set immediately, we are going to keep them in memory for the duration of the transaction. Just before we commit the transaction, we are going to have two lists of document IDs to go through. One of added documents and one of removed documents. We can then sort those ids and then start walking over the list, find the relevant page for each section in the list, and merging it with the compressed values.
By moving the buffering stage from the per-page model to the per-transaction model, we actually gain quite a lot of performance, since if we have a lot of changes to a single page, we can handle compression of the data only once. It is a very strange manner of working, to be honest, because I’m used to doing the operation immediately. By delaying the cost to the end of the transaction, we are able to gain two major benefits. First, we have a big opportunity for batching and optimizing work on large datasets. Second, we have a single code path for this operation. It’s always: “Get a batch of changes and apply them as a unit”. It turns out that this is far easier to understand and work with. And that is for the writes portion of Corax.
Remember, however, that Corax is a search engine, so we expect a lot of reads. For reads, we can now stream the results directly from the compressed segments. Given that we can usually pack a lot of numbers into a segment, and that we don’t need to compare to the uncompressed portion, that ended up benefiting us significantly on the read side as well, surprisingly.
Of course, there is also another issue, look at the Baseline in the Page Header? We’ll discuss that in the next post, turned out that it wasn’t such a good idea.
We care a lot about the performance of RavenDB, like a whole lot. To the point where we have a dedicated team that is continuously burning money CPU cycles testing out all sorts of scenarios with RavenDB. You can see the performance page on the website for some of their results. It got to the point where we stock NVMe drives at the office because we go through them often enough that we need them available for replacement. The benchmark must run, and the numbers must rise, after all.
But the story today isn’t about the costs we pay to reach our performance goals. Rather, it is about a curious little snafu that we ran into when looking at the results. Here are the benchmark results, I intentionally stripped out everything that will give context to this story. What you can see is the same scenario being run on two identical machines, with the difference being the disk that is being used to host the database.
In this case, the blue line is io1 disk (high IOPS, low latency, and high costs) versus gp3 (reasonable IOPS, much higher latency, and lower costs). In this case, lower numbers are better.
If you’ll look at the benchmark, you can see that it makes complete sense. RavenDB is a database product, we are running a benchmark, and we use the disk. It’s predictable that the disk latency will have an impact on the performance of the benchmark.
Except… in this case, we are looking at a benchmark that is read-only, and it is meant to run completely from memory. We wrote it so the data size is less than the amount of memory on the system. So why do we have an impact of the disk at all in this case?
We even have a warmup phase before we actually start measuring, to ensure that everything is in memory. Something here does not line up.
After investigating deeper, we discovered the following:
When running the automated benchmark, the performance was always correlated to the disk type.
When running the same benchmark, manually, there was much better performance and no slowdown related to the slower disk.
That is a really annoying bug, because the fact that we are observing it somehow makes it go away? What is going on?
After a while, we finally figured it out. The problem was the warmup phase. Basically, the warmup is just running the benchmark itself, discarding the results.
Can you guess what the problem was?
The warmup phase is running when the system is cold (naturally), we were hitting the server with enough requests up front that it was unable to process them all (it was queuing on the disk). That meant that a very large portion of the requests in the warmup would timeout or just fail. When we started the benchmark phase, significant portions of the system were still on the disk. So the benchmark become a disk-bound test, with predictable results.
When we ran it manually, we would always do that after the benchmark already run, so our system would be warm (and fast, with no disk access).
The solution for the problem was to scale down the number of requests that the warmup phase is running, to allow gradual loading of the data to memory, without overloading the hardware.
A case where our expectations and what really happened did not line up, creating some… interesting surprises in the end result.
I’m working on improving the performance of Corax, RavenDB’s new search engine. Along the way, I introduced a bug, a fairly nasty one. At a random location, while indexing a ~50 million documents corpus, we are getting an access violation exception. That means that I messed something up.
That makes sense, given that my changes were mostly about making things lower-level. Working directly with pointers and avoiding length checks. At our speed, even the use of Span can be a killer for performance, and we want to be as close to the raw metal as possible. The particular changeset that I was working on was able to improve the indexing speed from 90,000 per second to 120,000 per second. That is a change that I absolutely want to keep, so I started investigating it.
I mentioned that it is a fairly nasty problem. A truly nasty problem would be heap corruption that is discovered after the fact and is very hard to trace. In this case, it was not consistent, which is really strange. One of the important aspects of Corax is that it is single-threaded, which means that a lot of complexity is out the window. It means that for the same input, we always have the same behavior. If there is any variance, such as not crashing all the time, it means that there are external factors involved.
At any rate, given that it happened at least half the time, I was able to attach WinDBG to the process and wait for the exception to happen, this is what I got:
(5e20.1468): Access violation - code c0000005 (first chance)
First chance exceptions are reported before any exception handling.
This exception may be expected and handled.
00007ffa`24dcea53 c4e261902411 vpgatherdd xmm4,dword ptr [rcx+xmm2],xmm3 ds:0000026d`516514e7=????????
Now, look at the last line, that is an interesting one, we use the VPGATHERDD assembly instruction. It is gathering packed DWORD values, in C#, this is generated using the Avx2.GatherVector128() method. We are using that to do some bit packing in this case, so this makes a lot of sense.
Next, let’s see what we get from the exception:
0:074> .exr -1
ExceptionAddress: 00007ffafc2bfe7c (KERNELBASE!RaiseException+0x000000000000006c)
ExceptionCode: c0000005 (Access violation)
ExceptionFlags: 00000080
NumberParameters: 2
Parameter[0]: 0000000000000000
Parameter[1]: 0000026d51650000
Attempt to read from address 0000026d51650000
All of this points to an out-of-bounds read, but why is that? The call we have for GatherVector128() is used inside a method named: ReadAvx2(). And this method is called like this:
private unsafe static ulong Read(int stateBitPos, byte* inputBufferPtr, int bitsToRead, int inputBufferSize, out int outputStateBit)
if ((stateBitPos + bitsToRead) / 8 >= inputBufferSize)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
if ( Avx2.IsSupported)
return ReadAvx2(stateBitPos, inputBufferPtr, bitsToRead, out outputStateBit);
return ReadScalar(stateBitPos, inputBufferPtr, bitsToRead, out outputStateBit);
It is an optimized approach to read some bits from a buffer, I’ll skip the details on exactly how this works. As you can see, we have a proper bounds check here, ensuring that we aren’t reading past the end of the buffer.
That we aren’t actually checking this. What we are doing is checking that we can access the bytes range, but consider the following scenario:
We have a memory page and a buffer that is located toward the end of it. We are now trying to access the last bit in the buffer, using ReadAvx2(). If we’ll check the actual bytes range, it will pass, we are trying to access the last byte.
However, we are going to call GatherVector128(), which means that we’ll actually access 16 bytes(!), and only the first byte is in the valid memory range, the rest is going to be read from the next page, which isn’t mapped.
This also explains why we are not always failing. If the next page is valid (which is subject to the decisions of the operating system allocator), it will pass. So that is why we didn’t have 100% reproduction. In fact, this is the sort of bug that is very easy to hide for a very long time in the system, given that it is dependent on the actual memory structure of the application.
Once we figured out what was going on, it was pretty easy to understand, but the fact that the AVX instructions will read after the end of the buffer was really confusing. Because even when we used Span, and its range checks, it would be completely ignored. Makes total sense, given that those aren’t really methods, but compiler intrinsics that are translated to direct machine instructions.
Amusingly enough, now that we found the problem, we ran into something very similar a long while ago. Then it was the wrong instruction being used (loading a word, instead of a byte), that would fail, but the same overal setup. It will sometimes fail, depending on the state of the next page in the memory.
We actually built some tooling around managing that, we call that electric fence memory. We allocate memory so any out-of-band access would always hit invalid memory, stopping us in our tracks. That means that I can get easy reproduction of those sorts of issues, and once we have that, the rest isn’t really that interesting, to be honest. It’s just a normal bug fix. It’s the hunt for the root cause that is both incredibly frustrating and quite rewarding.
This post is part of the series 'Crash investigations and code reviews'. Be sure to check out the rest of the blog posts of the series!Investigating a performance issue with a regexInvestigating an infinite loop in Release configurationInvestigating a crash in Enumerable.LastOrDefault with a custom
When tracing an application, it can be useful to know which ETW events are available. .NET exposes many events to trace an application as shown in some previous posts (Getting telemetry data from inside or outside a .NET application, or Avoid DNS issues with HttpClient in .NET). It's hard to know w
I found myself today needing to upload a file to S3, the upload size is a few hundred GBs in size. I expected the appropriate command, like so:
aws s3api put-object --bucket twitter-2020-rvn-dump --key mydb.backup --body ./mydb.backup
But then I realized that this is uploading a few hundred GB file to S3, which may take a while. The command doesn’t have any progress information, so I had no way to figure out where it is at.
I decided to see what I can poke around to find, first, I ran this command:
ps -aux | grep s3api
This gave me the PID of the upload process in question.
Then I checked the file descriptors for this process, like so:
$ ls -alh /proc/84957/fd
total 0dr-x------ 2 ubuntu ubuntu 0 Mar 30 08:10 .dr-xr-xr-x 9 ubuntu ubuntu 0 Mar 30 08:00 ..lrwx------ 1 ubuntu ubuntu 64 Mar 30 08:10 0 -> /dev/pts/8lrwx------ 1 ubuntu ubuntu 64 Mar 30 08:10 1 -> /dev/pts/8lrwx------ 1 ubuntu ubuntu 64 Mar 30 08:10 2 -> /dev/pts/8lr-x------ 1 ubuntu ubuntu 64 Mar 30 08:10 3 -> /backups/mydb.backup
As you can see, we can tell that file descriptor#3 is the one that we care about, then we can ask for more details:
$ cat /proc/84957/fdinfo/3
pos: 140551127040
flags: 02400000
mnt_id: 96
ino: 57409538
In other words, the process is currently at ~130GB of the file or there about.
It’s not ideal, but it does give me some idea about where we are at. It is a nice demonstration of the ability to poke into the insides of a running system to figure out what is going on.